I do not miss the days of only traditional marketing, knocking door to door to advertise my products, getting so many doors slammed in my face or having people say they weren’t interested before I could bring out my product to explain the benefits and how important it was to their everyday lives.

When I started drop-shipping, I was in my 60s, I stumbled upon an ad in my Microsoft mail on how I could make so much money just sitting at home and selling my products to strangers, whoop! How I wish it really was that easy.

I was so intrigued by the testimonies I didn’t think much about it, so I ordered 2 boxes of several types of jewelries from china to start off, did some word of mouth marketing and awaited my goods to arrive, I was so happy when it got delivered, I sold a few to my friends and the rest became so difficult to sell, my immediate circle had bought from me and that was all I could sell, I still had a box and half filled with beautiful jewelries.

Needless to say those products sat in the storage for a few weeks, I was clueless on how to keep selling, the ad I saw on microsoft had misled me, it said I’d sit in the comfort of my home and make more money, so I searched for the ad again by googling the name of the company and the first thing that came up was that same ad, I put on my reading glasses to scrutinize every single word and then it struck me “DIGITALLY” I had missed this word, how can I sell digitally I mumbled to myself, so I read on.

First thing I did after combing through the internet was open a facebook and Instagram page, I felt like a professional. It really did feel empowering then, I felt like I was doing something really Important, you know what these young people are doing these days. I invited my Facebook friends to like my page, few of them did, some from my former place of work and school,I think 4 more people bought after I began posting pictures of the jewelry outside the box.

I still wasn’t making enough sales, until I got an email from Facebook saying they’d like to to assign me a marketing expert to help out with my business by advertising, I jumped immediately at this offer, it was one of the best decisions i ever made, i was properly educated and guided and started with about a $100, I didn’t sell anything at the beginning but more people made inquiries and my page likes grew.

This was a long time ago,now I have a marketing agency doing all the heavy lifting for me, I still import jewelry from several countries and sell to my clients online, the stress is off me now thank god! Hahaha those were the days. The agency I use helped me build a digital presence, on google by seo, facebook, pinterest, quora, name it, i was everywhere and it meant more sales and more money for me. The most important thing i learnt was, my circle or family can’t buy all your products, you need strangers too, they’d later become families as they frequently buy and recommend your products, well I just wanted to share this, ciao.